Robert De Nardis graduated as a Physiotherapist in 1992, he has worked with many state and national sporting teams over the years, and in 2000 he opened the Melbourne Whiplash Centre. The facility utilises the Multi Cervical Unit (MCU) – a unique and revolutionary technology that both assesses for neck weakness and strengthens necks to achieve clinical success. Robert was instrumental in designing the new look MCU and also developed the clinical operating system known as The Melbourne protocol (TMP). TMP is used in over 100 clinics around the world, and Robert has trained the majority of them in his unique treatment techniques.
Robert is heavily involved in researching the effectiveness of the MCU with publications involving La Trobe and Monash Universities. Additionally, Robert was an inaugural member of the International Whiplash taskforce and has presented several times on the International Stage on Whiplash and its associated disorders.
His career highlight was consulting for the UK Airforce to help reduce neck issues with their fast jet fighter pilots.
Robert remains an active member of our team here and is responsible for training new team members on this technology.